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Attribute extraction template file
A text file that determines which attributes are extracted and how they are formatted when written to an attribute extraction file. See also attribute extraction file.
Attribute prompt
The text string displayed when you insert a block with an attribute whose value is undefined. It is also described as  attribute definition, attribute tag, and attribute value.
Attribute tag
A text string associated with an attribute that identifies a particular attribute during extraction from the drawing database. It is also described as  attribute definition, attribute prompt, and attribute value.
Attribute value
The alphanumeric information associated with an attribute tag. . It is also described as  attribute definition, attribute prompt, and attribute tag.
AutoCAD library search path
The order in which looks for a support file: current directory, drawing directory, directory specified in the support path, and directory containing the executable file, acad.exe.
AutoCAD window
The drawing area, its surrounding menus, and the command line.
Axis tripod
Icon with x, y, and z coordinates that is used to visualize the viewpoint (view direction) of a drawing without displaying the drawing. (point)
B-spline curve
A blended piecewise polynomial curve passing near a given set of control points. . It is also described as  Bezier curve. (spline)
Back face
The opposite side of a front face. Back faces are not visible in a rendered image. It is also described as  front faces.
Base point
1. In the context of editing grips, the grip that changes to a solid color when selected to specify the focus of the subsequent editing operation. 2. A point for relative distance and angle when copying, moving, and rotating objects. 3. The insertion base point of the current drawing. (base) 4. The insertion base point for a block definition. (block)
An imaginary line on which text characters appear to rest. Individual characters can have descenders that drop below the baseline. . It is also described as  baseline dimension.
Baseline dimension
Multiple dimensions measured from the same baseline. Also called parallel dimensions. . It is also described as  baseline.
Bezier curve
A polynomial curve defined by a set of control points, representing an equation of an order one less than the number of points being considered. A bezier curve is a special case of a b-spline curve.. It is also described as  b-spline curve.
The digital representation of an image having bits referenced to pixels. In color graphics, a different value represents each red, green, and blue component of a pixel.
Temporary screen markers displayed in the drawing area when you specify a point or select objects. (blip mode)
A generic term for one or more objects that are combined to create a single object. Commonly used for either block definition or block reference. . It is also described as  block definition and block reference. (block)
Block authoring palettes
Tool palettes used in the block editor to add actions and parameters to dynamic block definitions.
Block authoring tools
Actions, parameters, and parameter sets on the tabs of the block authoring palettes window. Used in the block editor to create dynamic blocks.
Block definition
The name, base point, and set of objects that are combined and stored in the symbol table of a drawing. . It is also described as  block and block reference.
Block definition table
The nongraphic data area of a drawing file that stores block definitions. . It is also described as  named object.
Block instance ( also block reference)
A compound object that is inserted in a drawing and displays the data stored in a block definition. Also called instance. . It is also described as  block and block definition. (insert)
Bump map
A map in which brightness values are translated into apparent changes in the height of the surface of an object.
Button menu
The menu for a pointing device with multiple buttons. Each button on the pointing device (except the pick button) can be defined in the customization file (acad.cui).
By block
A special object property used to specify that the object inherits the color or line type of any block containing it. . It is also described as  by layer.
By layer
A special object property used to specify that the object inherits the color or line type associated with its layer. . It is also described as  by block.
Callout block
A block used as symbol to reference another sheet. Callout blocks have many industry-specific terms, such as reference tags, detail keys, detail markers, and so on. . It is also described as  label block.
Defines the current eye-level position in a 3d model. A camera has a location xyz coordinate, a target xyz coordinate, and a field of view or lens length, which determines the magnification or zoom factor.
Camera target
Defines the point you are viewing by specifying the coordinate at the center of the view.
Category (view category)
Chain actions
In a dynamic block definition, a property of point, linear, polar, xy, and rotation parameters. When set to yes, a change in an action that contains the parameter in the action's selection set triggers any actions associated with that parameter, just as if you had edited the parameter in the block reference through a grip or custom property.
Circular external reference
An externally referenced drawing (xref) that references itself directly or indirectly. The xref that creates the circular condition is ignored.
Clipping planes
The boundaries that define or clip the field of view.
For cyan, magenta, yellow, and key color. A system of defining colors by specifying the percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and the key color, which is typically black.
Color map
A table defining the intensity of red, green, and blue (rgb) for each displayed color.
Command line
A text area reserved for keyboard input, prompts, and messages.
Composite solid
A solid created from two or more individual solids. (union, subtract, intersect)
Construction plane (also workplace)
Continued dimension
A type of linear dimension that uses the second extension line origin of a selected dimension as its first extension line origin, breaking one long dimension into shorter segments that add up to the total measurement. Also called chain dimension. (discontinue)
Control frame
A series of point locations used as a mechanism to control the shape of a b-spline. These points are connected by a series of line segments for visual clarity and to distinguish the control frame from fit points. The selfsame system variable must be turned on to display control frames.
Control panel
An area on the dashboard that contains related tools and controls. . It is also described as  dashboard and slide-out panel.

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